Fellow Aiden Precision Coffee Maker – Matte Black
Meet the machine that is changing the narrative for automatic drip coffee. Combining precision, control, and speed, this new, sleek innovation brews pour-over quality coffee with the press of a button.TIMEMORE COFFEE GRINDER (C3)
If you’re looking for a high-quality coffee grinder that’s portable [...]VARIA HAND GRINDER
The Varia Hand Grinder Stainless Steel is a high-quality manual [...]COMANDANTE C40 MK4 NITRO BLADE COFFEE GRINDER (LIQUID AMBER)
The Comandante C40 MK4 Nitro Blade Coffee Grinder is a [...]COMANDANTE C40 MK4 NITRO BLADE COFFEE GRINDER (AMERICAN CHERRY)
The Comandante C40 MK4 Nitro Blade Coffee Grinder is a [...]AeroPress XL Paper Filters
Paper filters to suit the AeroPress XL!*NEW* AeroPress XL Coffee Maker
Introducing the Aeropress XL – Redefining Your Coffee Experience Elevate [...]*NEW* AeroPress Coffee Maker – CLEAR
The Aeropress combines the best of immersion and pressure brewing, allowing you to extract the full spectrum of flavours from your coffee grounds.Aeropress GO
This style of brewing makes Smooth, Rich, Pure & Fast coffee. Hassle free with all the enjoyment.TIMEMORE 600ML FISH POUR OVER COFFEE KETTLE
Timemore Fish Kettle - a perfect tool for pour-over brewing methods - precise, functional, and well-designed. With a true 90 degree vertical flow pour.Timemore Black Mirror +PLUS Coffee Scale
The minimal design of the Timemore Black Mirror is beautiful, the matte dark panel is like a black crystal and at a touch lights up for all your brewing needs.Wacaco Nanopresso
Coming from the legacy of one of the most creative and innovative portable espresso machine, Nanopresso redefines the genre and sets new standards. Incredibly beautiful and elegant, it looks every bit as powerful as it is.Delter Press
Delter Coffee Press is the first coffee maker deigned from the ground up, to solve one of the biggest coffee brewing problems-agitation. Uncontrolled agitation results in bitter coffee and inconsistent extraction. Delter’s unique Jet-Seal keeps the brew water and coffee grounds separated preventing uncontrolled agitation. Water contact is activated by actuating the Jet-Seal with pressure, offering complete control over water flow and agitation. The result is an exceptional cup like no other. Less bitterness with more clarity.A unique delta Jet-Seal separates the brew water and coffee – stopping unwanted agitation and offering next-level brewing possibilities. The Delter Coffee Press is the first coffee maker to use a process we call “Injection Brewing“, a completely new brew method we developed after countless hours of experiments. This works by infusing hot water into the coffee grounds under pressure, for improved control and consistency.AeroPress Coffee Maker + S/Steel Filter + 250g Coffee Pack
Get one of our favourite coffee brewers, a reusable stainless steel filter and 250 grams of filter coffee to suit!Acaia Pearl Brewing Scale
The Acaia Pearl Scale offers ultra-fast 20ms response times, precise 0.1-gram readings, and industrial-grade stability with auto-zero tracking. It features a built-in stopwatch, customizable auto-off settings, and a rechargeable USB battery lasting 20-30 hours.Acaia Lunar Scale
The Acaia Lunar Brewing Scale offers precise 0.1-gram readings with a 20-millisecond response time, an embedded stopwatch, and customizable auto-off settings through its app. It features a rechargeable battery, water-resistant design, and a compact size that fits on any espresso machine or in a travel bag.Hario V60 Range Server- Clear
The Hario Range Server allows you to serve your coffee with unremitting style.Hario Fit Kettle – Matte Black
Master your pour over technique with the Hario V60 Drip Kettle Fit – Matte Black.Bialetti – Stove Top Moka Espresso/ Induction
The Bialetti Express is a classic stovetop espresso maker that brews rich espresso with a velvety crema using just coffee, water, and heat. Made from durable aluminum alloy with a heat-resistant acrylic handle, it comes in seven sizes to suit any coffee habit and is designed to last for decades.AeroPress Coffee Maker
Introducing the Aeropress Coffee Maker – your gateway to a [...]Hario V60 Range Server Black
The Hario Range Server allows you to serve your coffee with unremitting style.Hario V60 Dripper – 02 Glass
The Hario V60 Ceramic features an advanced Japanese design to [...]Hario V60 Dripper – Plastic 02
The Hario V60 Plastic features an advanced Japanese design to [...]